Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad

so... since im SO bad at keeping up with this blog....
heres another blog im really good at keeping up with:

there at least I will not disappoint!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

recipe to a good day
-good music
-swimming in a natural, mountain glacial run off
-hang out at a park
-getting kidnapped
-playing in a dandelion field
-playing ninja
-looking up at the starts and playing the "ha-ha" game
-lots of pictures
-dancing in the middle of the highway in a traffic jam at night

Star Gazers

Eskimo Kisses

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Calm it Down

I havent blogged in awhile-- my apologies.

I would like to say that life here has been quite busy, because it has been... but thats a lame excuse that everyone falls under.

I have this strange desire to just.... sit by someone. Not talk. Just sit, and read or do homework- not the creepy lets stare at eachothers eyes until someone blinks and its so awkward that you cant look away-- no. Just... being. Just resting in the day, resting in yourself, resting in the fact that God is sitting right next to us. That He is in control.

I didnt go to church today, and I feel strange.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Walking with God

Spontaneously, I decided I was going to take a hike today... and by spontaneous... I mean- im going to check my mail and oh while im at it, I think ill go on a hike- kind of spontaneous... So I took my mail (thanks to angie and adrianne who sent me love mail:)) and continued walking.

Now I dont know any of the trails... or where they would be, so I just heard water... and followed it. My new whale rainboot sure came in handy (thanks mom!). Since I was walking through water, and the trails I had encountered were all flooded.

I then proceeded to get lost... But I wasnt worried or anxious about being lost. I was strangely at peace. I just... continued walking, walked in circles. Finally saw some signs but they just told me about the destination... not how I could get back.

So I wandered some more... and I apparently wandered in the right direction and finally hit a trail that I recognized from before and made it back. Started.... 3:30 4ish came back around sundown. Thats an adventure Id like to take again. In all... id like to say I had a.. successful Huck Finn worthy day.

walking...and walking...and walking...

One of the many rivers I came across

Also, please keep my Dad in your prayers... He was diagnosed with Bells Palsy, which is the temporary paralysis of half of his body. Right now he has feeling in his left arm, but his face still isnt working as hed like it to... Its something that naturally goes away on its own.. But its scary. So prayers would be wonderful right now!

I hate that I had to come back so soon... Ride situations got fuzzy... again.. So I had to come back with the next available person, and they happened to be leaving yesterday. I am a little exausted at the way God has been testing me as of late... But as I was reminded, the response to all this testing is to turn to Him. And turn to Him I have done. I am so glad He has control over me... As if im not already a slow motion accident, imagine me steering my life! Praise God, grace like rain... fall on me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cant you tell? Im a slow motion accident, lost in the pages

I am so emotionally drained. Can I go home now? I want to hug my family.

I almost didnt have a ride home to Spring Break... With all the kids from Michigan here... you wouldnt think it would be that difficult right? Wrong. After searching, I have finally found a ride to Chicago-- and then from Chicago to Michigan. Thus I will be arriving home around 2:30am Friday morning! Hallelujah.

I have come to the realization... not for the first time, but a continuation of this realization that I have SO many weaknesses... I seem to be debbie downing it lately.

Psalm 69

On a completely seperate note... I think I am going to have a summer project... to learn the Cello... Because I am in the full Belief that the Cello has the most sexiest sound of all times. And I just need to feel useful.

Home is less than 24 hours away.... Lookout Michigan.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Solas Christas

I went to bed with an awful feeling last night... and woke up with it again in the morning. I did not understand, I couldnt comprehend just.... WHY.

So I have been going through a bit of a struggle lately. It came out of nowhere, and without warning. This is what happens when your hold things in. My subconscious attacked me and the anxiety attack ensued. I thought God had left me, to test me. Was I not worshipping Him as I ought? Was I putting something before him? What have I done?
But one of my very good friends pointed Deuteronomy 31:8 to me...

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

its so simple. I feel the fool to not have seen it before, but I was so caught up in my unseen worries and I lost sight of the Truth. Sometimes just being stupid and human is enough to frustrate me. I know we do these things by nature but I hate it so much that it makes me physically ill. I found yet another quote:

"I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this I believe-- that unless I believe, I should not understand."

I have learned that being Christian, you learn something new all the time. Whether it something God has driven into out hearts again... breaking it to know Him. Or having the physical evidence and the evidence in our hearts that He is with us. He will NEVER forsake us. This has filled me with SUCH joy. I just... dont know how else to express it. God has blessed me with the best people in my life... and I am just SO greatful for it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Greatest of Friends.

I love these people.

Sondre Lerche is my new song love. I dont really mind that hes married :-). Weekend trip to Nashville was absolutely phenomenal... I am so glad that there was a cancelation to make this weekend happen. Words can not express! It needs to be repeated and soon.

Father hide our hearts in you, lest we steal them back and lay them at the feet of man

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Peanut Butter and Dogs

I think I can safely point out that we have numerous campus animals... including this cute fellow, may I introduce you to the campus dogs in which I have been able to get close enough and snuggle with on my various and frequent trips across campus:

this guys my favorite, though we dont know his name. We found him outside the Great Hall and came right to us! I shall love him forever :-)

This is Loui, hes old and adorable and frequently acts as much. Loui gets excited and young again when the snow starts coming down. What a geezer.

On a separate note I have recently rediscovered peanut butter, I dont think I have ever had much of a taste for it before, but it had the moment of gracing my taste buds with its wonderfulness (I doubt thats a word, but I will deal since its in complete truth)... and I feel I must put it on everything... especially bananas in fact, I am eating one right now! And an all time childhood favorite: PB&J. I think that whoever made such an invention should be glorified (though not too much, since the only person we should glorify is God :-)) Its a wonder how often your taste buds change, where old time favorite become your new time favorites, and where other things just fall off the radar... only to come back and become the new favorite. Its the best thing I think.

Anyways, after my toes unfreeze and I actually become some semblance of warm again, I might start on my homework. But only until then!

Stay Warm!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Walking through this fridged barren city, while the ripping winds threaten to tear at my cooling flesh, my hands search for warmth long forgotten in the pockets they deserted not to long ago to shield my freezing face.

Today has been absolutely freezing, the wind just takes the very breath out of you... Last night I tried to run back to my dorm building after working out so that my muscles didnt freeze (yes it is THAT cold) and I think I about killed my lungs. Sacrificing one for the other I suppose.
In any case, I have just not been feeling the greatest at all today. Boo.

On the lighter side, 24 more days until I get to see my families lovely faces. My sister is getting married in about 7 months which is pretty surreal and crazy. Bring on the wedding maddness!

and since I have nothing else incredibly smart and witty to say, a good day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Tower

Today was Day of Prayer, which means you have no class but get up at an unGodly hour of the morning to go watch God glory in a beautiful sunset and pray. Well. Upon waking up... it was raining, and cloudy and cold. Strike 3 Georgia for such GOOD weather.

In anycase, we made the best of it. Our brother hall made us pancakes, banana and chocolate pancakes to be exact. They were quite delicious might I add. Probably not good for us though. But whose complaining? Before that however, we went up into The Tower. This Tower was supposed to have housed the name of the assassin that killed John Lenin... But none of us knew where this signature was, or what the assassins name was. So we were pretty defeated.

Showing our Highlands pride :)

could be as cool as this person some day

So today wasnt a total bust. Just busy for a day off and full of... not day off things.
Until we meet again!