Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Day Draws Near....

Today, I spent half my Christmas money on baby clothes. Why you ask? Babies. Friends are just popping them out. Our local Rustic Market housed many cute things, it is the equivalent to a Goodwill only cheaper (yes its possible) and cuter. Usually these kinds of places are a hit and a miss, but I certainly struck gold this time. I think its a woman thing, we always coo and fuss over baby clothes. We cant help it, its in our nature. I loved looking at all the cute little clothes to fit little people. I also got boots and the Mother said was grossly ugly, but I think they are cute. (I have an eclectic style).

So many friends and people my age are either in a serious impending engagement relationship, or already married and having babies. And I am not that old. I have yet to start dating. Welcome to my sad and lonely life. 19 and I have been on one date my entire life. You heard me ONE. I have random times where I feel sorry for myself, but honestly it could be a 'blessing in disguise'. Or so I'm constantly told. I know this gets to be worse the older you get, I just dont like it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm 30 and have been on zero dates, and I actually think it gets easier the older you get. At least for me, I find the angst lessening as I age (I don't miss the college years as far as emotional overloading goes...that's a crazy time). Contentment is on the rise.

    I have never, ever heard somebody say that they wished they had dated more, but I've heard the reverse. Sometimes what feels like restriction is actually protection. (So maybe the blessing isn't disguised at all.)

    None of which is meant to say that we should never ever feel a little forlorn over our relationship status (statuses? stati?), just that we should remember Who holds our futures, and that even on a merely human level I don't think we are ever as alone as we sometimes feel.

    Love your honesty.

